Podcast Revolution: Amplify Your Voice on YouTube Today!

If you are a podcaster or about to begin your own podcast, this is the time to discover more.

Podcast Revolution: Amplify Your Voice on YouTube Today!

Key Takeaways:

  • Identifying your podcast's unique selling point is crucial to carving out your niche on YouTube.
  • Superior audio quality coupled with engaging visuals can significantly enhance your podcast's appeal on YouTube.
  • Utilize tools like Audacity for audio editing, Canva for creating engaging visuals, and Buzzsprout for seamless podcast distribution across platforms.

If you are a podcaster or about to begin your own podcast, this is the time to discover more. An opportunity to grow a broad spectrum of audience in different platforms has prompted podcasters to develop their creativity and skills. Although youtube and podcasts have a diverse audience, exploring the world of podcasting on YouTube opens up a unique avenue for content creators. It combines the in-depth discussion format of traditional podcasts with YouTube for a visually-oriented audience. Youtube is now an alternative to Spotify and Apple music for uploading your podcast, and is a great platform to grow your audience. 

An interesting and lesser-known fact about YouTube podcasting is that YouTube algorithms can favor longer content, making it an ideal platform for in-depth podcast episodes that keep viewers engaged for extended periods. In addition, YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. This brings potential to podcasters to reach a wide number of audiences. 

Here are the guides on being a Pro to Youtube Podcasting:

1. Carve Out Your Niche

The first step in launching a podcast on YouTube is to clearly define your niche. Niche can be related to your interests and passion. In order to have a clear vision of your YouTube podcast niche, list down the top 10-20 niche you’re most interested in or relating to your passion. If you want to go over statistics on your chosen niche, you can research on Google Trends, YouTube Trends, or Keyword research tool such as SEMrush and Ahrefs about high demand or most viewed niche. 

Understand what you can offer that is different from existing content. This could be a unique perspective on popular topics, underserved subjects, or a distinctive presentation style. 

2. Invest in Audio Quality 

While YouTube is primarily a visual platform, never underestimate the importance of high-quality audio for your podcast. Investing in a good microphone and soundproofing your recording space can make a world of difference. Clear audio is the backbone of any successful podcast. 

These are the list of some accessories you can invest on for your YouTube Podcast:

  • Samson Q9U is one of the best microphones in the market, the best thing about it is you can actually plug-in headphones on the microphone to check or monitor the audio. Although there are other brand options such as Rode, Elgato, and Shure. 
  • For headphones, if you are more on the Pro level podcaster you can purchase the Sennheiser Professional HD280 Pro stands out. But you need an in-ear just to check the audio, Shure SE215 Pro.
  • Zoom Podtrak P4 Recorder is the highly encouraged one in the market, if you desire to have 2-3 people on your podcast. This device allows you to give power on to activate your mic.
  • If you’re just using your smartphone to record a video, Rode Wireless Go II is a compact microphone that records audio. It has their own high quality internal recording audio. 

You can check out this video for further reviews about the accessories. Click here. 

3. Visuals Matter

YouTube is a visual platform, your podcast needs to engage viewers beyond audio. You don’t have to set up multiple cameras for different angles. You can actually use your smartphone if you are just starting yet. But if you want to invest in a good camera, Panasonic Lumix GX85 or Sony a7 III are highly recommended for more decent visuals. Watch this video for review, click here and here

Another thing you have to consider is your background. If you are a starter, you can have a white background and a table or couch, just like this. In addition to your background, adding a good source of lighting. Lighting adds texture to your background. Key light mini is recommended if you need a portable yet powerful light. It's enough to illuminate your subject, click here to see. Lastly, use Canva to create visually appealing thumbnails and graphics that complement your podcast content, making your episodes stand out. 

4. Edit Like a Pro

It will take you a lot of effort to do editing. Audio and visuals are two main factors you must consider in editing.  Editing is where your youtube podcast truly comes to life. There are different video editing softwares you can use, from beginner-friendly to pro editors.  When you are starting out there are simplest software such as iMovie and Capcut. For more advanced editing you can use  Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve, click here for comparison of each. Factors you must include are the framing of your video, color correcting, and adding captions. 

5. Youtube Podcast Promotion 

While YouTube will be your main platform, don't overlook the importance of distributing your podcast across other platforms to maximize reach. There are 5 main channels you can upload your promotion; Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Tiktok. Buzzsprout is an excellent tool for managing your podcast episodes and ensuring they are available wherever your audience listens. 

Uploading teasers for your episode or snippets before uploading is an effective way to promote, and pique the interest of your audience. You have to promote it before, during the live episode or the day of uploading, and after. Creating a content calendar can help you schedule your uploads, google sheets or notion are free to use tools for content calendar. Don’t forget to encourage your audience to share your video, it is a  call to action that will drive your video to reach more audience. 


Q: How do I make my podcast stand out on YouTube?

A: Focus on delivering unique content that adds value to your audience. Engage with your listeners through comments and incorporate visually stimulating elements to complement your audio.

Q: Can I monetize my podcast on YouTube?

A: Yes, once you meet YouTube's monetization criteria, you can earn through ads, channel memberships, and Super Chats during live streams.

Q: How often should I release new podcast episodes on YouTube?

A: Consistency is key. Decide on a release schedule that is realistic for you and stick to it, whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Launching a podcast on YouTube is not just about sharing your voice; it's about creating a visually engaging and immersive experience for your audience. By focusing on high-quality audio, compelling visuals, strategic editing, and broad distribution, your podcast can captivate and grow a dedicated following on YouTube. Remember, the most successful podcasts blend informative or entertaining content with a personal touch that connects with the audience on a deeper level.