Expert Interviews: Tips for Podcasters

Expert interviews are a cornerstone of successful podcasts, offering valuable insights and perspectives to your audience.

Expert Interviews: Tips for Podcasters

Key Takeaways:

  • Quality over quantity: "When it comes to expert interviews, focus on quality over quantity. Choose guests who bring unique insights and perspectives to your audience."
  • Preparation is key: "Prepare thoroughly for each interview by researching your guest's background, interests, and areas of expertise. This will help you ask insightful questions and guide the conversation effectively."
  • Engage with your audience: "Encourage audience participation by soliciting questions from listeners before the interview and addressing them during the conversation. This creates a sense of community and engagement."

Expert interviews are a cornerstone of successful podcasts, offering valuable insights and perspectives to your audience. However, conducting these interviews requires careful planning and execution to ensure a meaningful conversation. In this guide, we'll explore expert interview tips for podcasters, covering everything from preparation to engagement strategies. But before diving in, let's uncover a lesser-known fact about expert interviews.

Did you know?

Expert interviews aren't just beneficial for the podcast host; they can also significantly benefit the guest. By appearing on podcasts, experts can showcase their knowledge, expand their audience reach, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their field.

Also, expert interviews enhance your podcast’s credibility. Inviting industry leaders, thought influencers and specialists provides unique insights and builds trust with your audience. Plus, it expands your network and opens doors to exciting collaborations.

Tips for Conducting Expert Interviews:

Choose Your Guests Wisely:

  1. Select guests who are experts in their field and can provide valuable insights to your audience. Look for individuals with unique perspectives and experiences that align with your podcast's theme and audience interests.

Prepare Thoroughly:

  1. Research your guest's background, interests, and areas of expertise before the interview. This will help you ask insightful questions and guide the conversation effectively. Prepare a list of questions in advance, but also be flexible and open to spontaneous discussion.

Set the Tone:

  1. Begin the interview by introducing your guest and setting the tone for the conversation. Establish rapport and build trust by expressing genuine interest in your guest's work and accomplishments.

Ask Open-Ended Questions:

  1. Encourage your guest to share their expertise by asking open-ended questions that invite detailed responses. Avoid yes/no questions and instead, ask probing questions that encourage your guest to elaborate on their ideas and insights.

Listen Actively:

  1. Listen attentively to your guest's responses and ask follow-up questions to delve deeper into specific topics. Show genuine curiosity and interest in your guest's perspective, and avoid interrupting or dominating the conversation.

Engage with Your Audience:

  1. Encourage audience participation by soliciting questions from listeners before the interview and addressing them during the conversation. This creates a sense of community and engagement, making your audience feel involved in the interview process.

Additional Tips:

  1. Encourage the interview: Just don’t print! Share the interview on social media, relevant online communities, or guest networks.
  2. Purpose proposition: Make sure the interview offers actionable advice, new insight, or will interest your audience.
  3. Proofread and edit: A typo or unclear audio can make an interview sound unprofessional.

Tailored to your audience:

Consider your niche: What topics resonate with your readers? Who are you interviewing? Match your questions to benefit the interviewer’s expertise and audience interest.

Think about the "why": What do you want your readers to get out of this interview? Is it motivation, knowledge, or a new perspective? Formulate your questions to achieve that goal. Back to the next page:

Special questions: Try to find new questions that are not covered elsewhere. To avoid clichéd questions, interviewees should do research in advance.

Dig deeper: Go beyond basic biographies. Ask questions that spark insightful conversation, anecdotes and valuable takeaways.

Experiment and engage: Don’t be shy about asking provocative questions that challenge interviewees’ perspectives and encourage them to share a different perspective.

Target the Experts in your Niche:

Industry leaders: Find prominent bloggers, writers, or content creators in your field who frequently use interviews. These people understand your audience’s interests and can provide you with valuable insights.

Rising stars: Consider introducing up-and-coming people who may offer new perspectives. Check industry publications, forums, or social media for upcoming names.

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): People with in-depth knowledge and practical experience in a particular area can be great choices. Find them through industry associations, research publications, or online communities related to your blog topic.

Consider these properties:

Communication Skills: Look for experts who can articulate complex ideas clearly and convincingly. Listen to podcasts, watch interviews, or read their stories to anticipate their connections.

Enthusiasm and knowledge: Good interviewers really enjoy their work. This desire translates into more interesting insights

Audience relevance: Consider readers’ interests and challenges when choosing experts. Does the interviewee find someone of interest and share it with your audience?

Availability and willingness: Some specialists may be busy or have little. Make sure they are happy to be interviewed and can commit the necessary time.

Find the experts:

Professional networking: Connect with industry professionals through online communities, forums, or social media groups related to your niche.

Meetings and Events: Attend industry meetings to connect with potential interviewers Guest posts and co-hosts: If you have collaborated with someone in the past, reach out for a face-to-face opportunity.

Social Media and Content Recommendations: Search platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube to find industry leaders and see who other content creators are interviewing with.

Industry leaders: Find bloggers, writers, or content creators in your niche who can offer valuable insights to your audience.

Rising stars: Identify upcoming statistics in your field to get a fresh perspective. Check industry publications, forums, or social media to see if there are promising names.

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): Find experts with in-depth knowledge and practical experience in a specific area through industry associations, research journals, or online communities.

Top 10 mistakes for beginners in creating an interview

Lack of preparation: Failure to assess the guest or have a clear idea of ​​the interview process can lead to wandering conversations and missed opportunities.

Poor Question Wording: Ambiguous or vague questions can lead to confusing or uninformative answers.

Not listening actively: Failing to listen carefully to the interviewer’s answers can interfere with follow-up questions and the natural flow of the conversation.

Giving the guest control: While it is important to give the interviewer space, it is still important for the interviewer to direct the conversation and ensure focus.

An uninteresting interview style: monotony or lack of interest can make an interview boring for listeners or readers. Technical Difficulties: Unreliable recording equipment, background noise, or editing issues may reduce interview quality.

Forgetting the audience: Tailor interviews to your audience’s interests and avoid jargon or overly technical language.

Neglect Promotion: Just don’t hit the book! Promote the interview on social media, relevant online communities, or guest networks.

Don’t provide value: Make sure the interview provides listeners or readers with takeaways, actionable tips, or other insights.

If misread or edited: Typing errors, grammatical errors, or unclear audio can make the interview sound unprofessional.

Best Podcast Interview Software

Best for: High-quality audio and video interviews.
How to use it: Schedule interviews, invite guests, and record separate tracks for seamless editing.

2. Audacity
Best for: Beginners seeking free software.
How to use it: Record, edit, and enhance audio. Ideal for local interviews.

3. Zencastr
Best for: Remote interviews with studio-quality audio.
How to use it: Invite guests, record separate tracks, and enjoy automatic post-production features.

Best for: Basically editing software, presentation allows you to record interviews directly in the platform.
How to use it: It has features like automatic transcription and screen sharing.

Best for: offer a more efficient and convenient way to conduct interviews
How to use it: A widely used video conferencing tool that also allows quality audio recording. If you are already using Zoom for other purposes, this can be a good option.


Q: How do I approach potential guests for expert interviews?

A: When reaching out to potential guests, personalize your message and clearly articulate why you believe they would be a valuable addition to your podcast. Highlight any mutual interests or connections and offer to provide more information about your podcast and audience demographics.

Q: What if my guest goes off-topic during the interview?

A: If your guest veers off-topic during the interview, gently steer the conversation back on track by rephrasing the question or guiding the discussion toward relevant topics. Remember to remain flexible and open to unexpected tangents, as they may lead to interesting insights or perspectives.

Q: How can I ensure a smooth technical setup for remote interviews?

A: Before the interview, conduct a technical test to ensure that both you and your guest have a stable internet connection, clear audio, and functioning recording equipment. Consider using video conferencing software with recording capabilities, such as Zoom or Skype, to conduct remote interviews seamlessly. is a video editor recruiting platform. Discover video editors who can meet your style preferences, budget, and deadlines. Once you post a job, applicants are rated based on their samples. Post your job on today for free!