Crafting Content for Kids on YouTube: Key Considerations for Success

Creating content for children on YouTube is a unique and rewarding endeavor, but it comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities.

Crafting Content for Kids on YouTube: Key Considerations for Success

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding child-friendly guidelines and audience preferences is required when creating content for kids on YouTube.
  • Integrating educational and entertaining elements in a manner that is safe and age-appropriate is essential.
  • Staying updated with YouTube’s changing policies regarding children’s content is important for compliance and success.

Creating content for children on YouTube is a unique and rewarding endeavor, but it comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. YouTube has strict guidelines for children’s content, especially after the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) compliance measures were enforced. Here’s what creators need to understand when making kid-friendly content on YouTube.

1. Understanding YouTube’s Policies for Kids’ Content

YouTube has dedicated policies for content intended for children, primarily focusing on ensuring safety and privacy. Content must be appropriate for children and should not collect personal information from viewers under 13. An example involves refraining from incorporating data-driven advertisements in videos directed at children, following COPPA compliance.

2. Balancing Education and Entertainment

Content designed for children should ideally strike a balance between educational value and entertainment. Successful educational channels such as ‘Blippi’ skillfully blend learning with fun, covering subjects like colors, numbers, and shapes in an engaging manner for young viewers.

3. Age-appropriate and Safe Content

Ensuring that the content is age-appropriate and safe for children is paramount. This involves refraining from using explicit language, violence, or content that could be unsettling or confusing for young viewers. For example, a channel focusing on storytelling for kids should choose stories that are suitable for their age group and avoid themes that are too complex or mature.

4. Interactive and Engaging Format

Children are more likely to engage with content that is visually engaging and interactive. Using bright colors, animations, and interactive elements like songs and dances can keep young viewers interested and entertained. ‘Cocomelon — Nursery Rhymes’, for example, uses colorful animations and catchy songs to educate kids about daily activities and experiences.

5. Consistency and Regularity

Consistency in delivering content helps to build a loyal young audience. Following a regular posting schedule and maintaining a consistent theme or characters across videos can help in establishing familiarity and trust with young viewers.

6. Parental Involvement and Feedback

Promoting parental involvement and feedback can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t in children’s content. This can include producing content that also appeals to parents or caregivers, ensuring their comfort with their children watching your videos.

7. Adhering to Advertising Guidelines

Creators should be aware of the advertising guidelines for children’s content. This includes avoiding the promotion of products or services directly to young viewers, which can be seen as exploitative.

8. Low CPM

Due to targeted ad restrictions, CPM for kids content is generally low. Typically, kids channel’s CPM is below $0.10. It does not mean that you cannot succeed with kids channels. There can be book sales, services to kindergartens and personal/character branding opportunities. Still, it is a tough path to make money, particularly on YouTube.


Creating content for kids on YouTube involves delicately balancing fun, learning, and safety. Content creators can successfully navigate the world of children’s content on the platform by understanding and following YouTube’s guidelines, focusing on creating age-appropriate and engaging content, and staying updated with policy changes.