Best Times to Post on YouTube for Maximum Impact

This year, content creators on YouTube are keen to optimize their posting times to maximize views and engagement.

Best Times to Post on YouTube for Maximum Impact

Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

Key Takeaways:

  • The optimal time for posting on YouTube varies, but evening hours and weekends are generally the most effective.
  • YouTube’s algorithm prioritizes relevance and viewer experience, making the quality of content and post-optimization crucial.
  • Understanding your specific audience’s behavior and using YouTube analytics can fine-tune your posting strategy for better results.

This year, content creators on YouTube are keen to optimize their posting times to maximize views and engagement. While the exact best time can vary based on your audience and content type, several studies provide a general guideline to help you strategize.

1. Evening Hours: Prime Time for Viewership

According to HubSpot’s research, the best moments to post on YouTube are on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays between 6–9 p.m. and 3–6 p.m.. These times align with when viewers are winding down from their day and seeking entertainment or information, making it an opportune window for content creators to capture their attention​​.

2. Weekends: A Window of Opportunity

WordStream suggests that the weekend mornings, specifically between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., are effective times for posting. This is likely because people tend to have more free time to engage with longer content during weekends​​.

Photo by Joyce Busola on Unsplash

3. YouTube Algorithm: Content Quality Over Timing

While timing is important, the YouTube algorithm prioritizes relevance and viewer experience over the specific time of day a video is published. This means that while posting at the right time can give your video an initial boost, the long-term success of your content relies more on its quality and how well it resonates with your audience​​.

4. Customizing Your Strategy: Audience Insights are Key

Each channel is unique, and so is its audience. Descript emphasizes the importance of using YouTube’s built-in analytics to understand when your specific audience is most active. This tailored approach can lead to more effective posting times than general guidelines​​.

5. Worst Times to Post: Avoid Early Hours

HubSpot also found that the worst times to post on YouTube are between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. ET. You should avoid it, because these hours fall outside peak viewer activity times, leading to less immediate engagement and potentially less favorable treatment by the YouTube algorithm​​.

Photo by Tarun Savvy on Unsplash

6. Experimentation: Fine-Tuning Your Schedule

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different posting times. Analyzing the performance of your videos at various times and days can provide valuable insights that can help you to adjust your strategy for the best possible engagement.


In conclusion, while the best time to post on YouTube can vary depending on your audience and content type, evenings and weekends generally provide a larger potential audience. However, remember that content quality and relevance are paramount for long-term success. Utilizing YouTube’s analytics to understand your audience’s behavior and experimenting with different posting times are key steps in optimizing your YouTube strategy.

Final Thoughts

Content creators should focus on creating high-quality, engaging content while using these time guidelines as a starting point. By combining great content with strategic timing, you can maximize your impact on YouTube and grow your audience effectively.